A few biographical details:
I was born in Glasgow (9th Feb. 53), my mother was also from Glasgow, my father (who changed his name to Colman whilst serving with the British Army during the Second World War) was a Catalan from Barcelona.
As well as Glasgow I have lived in Cardiff, Penarth, Windermere, London, Southampton, Derby, Sunderland, Manchester, Sunderland again, Dagenham, and currently in Llamedos in the Bajabiond region of northern Spain. (Llamedos is of course notably twinned with Llareggub in South Wales.)
I began producing artwork in 1970, and on a more serious basis in 1972. I attended a moderately intellectually stimulating Foundation Course in Derby, gained a BA(Hons) in Fine Art (an effectively meaningless qualification) in Sunderland, and some years later, also in Sunderland, a BEd in Design & Technology - which at least represented two years of hard work.
As well as the usual holiday-time shop, factory and construction labouring jobs Ive worked as a cataloguer/exhibitions assistant, manager of a support group for unemployed graduates, graphic artist, school teacher (the lost years (why does Dantes Purgatory repeatedly come to mind?) only slightly redeemed by one of my design & communication groups winning a national design competition, and by a delightful form class in my last school), cartographer with the Ordnance Survey, and driving instructor.
I have been a blood donor since 1971, and a member of Mensa since 1981.
(From the August of 1975 until April of 2013 I was a fan of Sunderland Football Club - Barcelona being my 'second' team!)