0Aah...!00000Would I like to go?00000Now, there's the question...
0A bolt in the neck
0A brick with the sky in it
0A circle - un cercle
0A closed door
0A cross the synapse
0Activity masquerading as purpose (the intersection of cylinderism)
0Adrift in the dark room
0A first painting after the death of Chaos the cat
0A first painting after the death of Dali
0A first painting after the death of Siddall the dog
0A flutterbye, once transfixed upon the Bakerloo
0After Cuyp (10 images)
0After midnight, Aenfer eclipsed by hair in a bun
0Aglimpsed again of an umbered evening; the august constellation of The Sound of the Sea
0Akerue; mirror images through a reflective lens...
0A little chaos
0All day every day...
0All points of the compass to ITTIA - the humane trap?
0All water under the bridge...
0Always all at sea
0A merry dance, in retrospect
0A multitude of buttons
0And even unto the unconsidered circumstance of the spotless trowel
0And keep you amused, I'm sure
0And shall we go again.....
0And so, time passes - even for the daughter of Pohjola
0And so this is Christmas
0, and stalking woodworm.
0And this is progress?
0...and with my head on fire...
0A node point; this tuesday evening one november
0An open invitation
0An upside down picture
A painting; 13 months later
0Apples? Potatoes? Yellow scarf!
0A polar bear in a snow storm? replied Miss Prints
0A pre-autumnal rememberance of the auto-intellectual anastheasia .....
0A rememberance of summers before the fall
0A ring through the nose
0A rock on the island
0Around, around and around again the loch of Candusa Aregen
0As Atacama dreams of rain, so.....
0As if, many a half cut grand design and cheaper by the dozen
0As it was in the beginning
0As it was in the beginning (2)
0A sort of anniversary, precursed by omens.......
0As plain as the nose on your face; as obvious as the girl from Arles
0A still life still in moment
0A stitching through in time - briefly empty, wholly agricultural - somewhere east of Edale
0A strangely coloured dice with the sky in it
0Astrolabe and Ephemeris
0A study, once - in brown and yellow
0A tissue from
0At last; better luck this time with the Bauhaus jolio exercise
0At last (yoga), well, sort of
0Atomic! Counting down the half-life of fire and ice
0A touch of (yoga)
0A touch more leaping and spinning
0A view from my window (Ryhope chimney)
0Aunty Catharsis, She say A blind man looking in a dark room for a black cat that isnt there.
0Awaiting coincidence
0Baggy-I the Lucky Bag; baggy-I the universe and everything in it
0Baggy-I the Lucky Bag; skipping stones and nobbing apples; alabaster, marbles and conkers
0Baggy-I the Lucky Bag; abandoned gun emplacements; paternosters under the pier
0Barking up the tomato palm cruise, or BANANAD!
0Baskerville Hall - and thats on a good day!
0Beach, bath, or hand...... Where it is?
0Beautiful Zelda (from Galaxy Four)
0Beautiful Zelda's not so pretty bespectacled pal (from a parallel thursday week)
0Beautiful Zelda's next door neighbour from the planet Knitting-pattern...
0Beg your pardon?
0Behind you!
0Bell bottom blues (Ring-a-ding-ding)
0Between ship launches: the festival of a thousand kirby grips, clothes pegs and shopping lists
0Beyond the pale. Or; the enigma of the melancholy nostalgia
0Big mesh
0Bird of paradise and weight
0Blowing hot and cold off Valparaiso
0Blue Bayou without (yoga)
0Bolts, rings, levers, belts and ratchets, and a side serving of time passed with The Third Entity
0Bonnie Lesley abroad
0Both ends of infinity
0Breath in and breath out.....
0Brick wall
0By the rowan tree
0Café Staines
0Café Staines - caleyedascoap virshun
Card game
0Carillon in the vestibule
0Castle in the Pyrenees
0Celebrating a quarter century of failed magic; imagine Esmeralda's memory-badge present.....
Chac Mool taking the risk and, unwisely perhaps, fantasizing about Erzulie
0Cheese for supper?
0'Cheese for supper?' enquired the winking triffid
0Chess, cards, piano. Solitaire
0Cinnomolgus and Hercynea - Flotsam and jetsam in the straits between
0Classroom motivation
0Clockwork Edwina Currie dolls, set of 'greetings' cards - (5 images)
0Cloven Helm
0Coffee Table
0Cogitators comfort (for the contemplative heed-banger)
0Cogito, ergo sum
0Coincidence like a goal-less draw
0Cold showers in the house of baths (or rallying the lavatorial humour)
0Communication breakdown
0Composition for a friday february night and a sunny saturday morning
0Confluence con flujo
0Conny de Mayne
0Coronation picnic. July 21st 1911
0Cry havoc, and the Paddock Wood waiting room notice board
0Dance to the dainty tune of The Many Masks Of The Leanhaun Shee
0...dancing the night away with the girl from Arles in the no-time
0Dawn and dusk by the big swimming pool
0Deceptive; bare branches of the black cherry in late winter
0Demolishing the fibre-board wall and a not inconsiderable interest in meteorology combine to.....
0Developing a sense of perspective
0Development of an orange
0Disorganized days - disorganised daze; spellins and puntuationzis
0Dogs Doggedly dogmatizing
0¿ Dónde Ada de Avonmouth 7072 (68 - E30)?
0Doodle (What on Earth was I doing..... ?)
0Door0(a short film)
0Drawing board 1, 2 - (2 images)
0(Earth, water, air - so much better) second time around
0Eclipsed by a full day's host of accretions
0End of the pier show
0End of the small hours
0Engraved in the memory
0Erg to Erg D
0Escher!, Escher!, all fall down
0Every seventh wave?
0Excalibur (The sword in the stone)
0Exploration, discovery
0Falling down in brown from Thorpe Cloud to Ladybower
0First and last bridge - a ground zero of the imagination. (Not so much a title as a motto)
0First sight
0Flagging up the awkward opposite
0Florence Biennale Artists0(A selection of artworks by other exhibitors at the 2005 Biennale)
0Fluttering0(a short film)
0Fluttering leaves in the small hours (The sky at night II)
0For what it's worth - setting a course round the Cape of Good Hope in the I of the bee holder
0From an idea by Lubbert Das
0From the landscape of wargames to the landscape of silkscreen prints - the landscape of forever foolish
0From the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same...
0Fu-hsi and the cosmic principles
0Full moons in Februarys
0, getting a tan,
0Goodbye yellow brick
0Got up.....0(a short film)
0Got up 315
0Greatcoats meet ahead of the coach back
0Green cube
0Green fingers grey,00000like patterns00000on windows00000after rain
0Green, Erzulie, green at last!
0Gyron and Abscissa
0Half-life still life: pondering an opening for a game of inertia against the clock
0Hard days haunt (save our soles)
0Heartwood, wormwood bitter
0Heavy weather
0Here and there way down south - the flight of the female hammerhead bat-match
0Hitandmisscrosswordsdownthetube (Anag, 31)
0Holiday snaps: the bread, the wine, the cheese - and the maggot to be
0Horse chestnut, greatcoat, ghosts
0Hot peach and clotted cream
0If the truth be told...00000- too many look the other way!
0Imagined portraits of a ghost from the past
0Imprecise musings, to the tune of Second Fountain Reflections
0Impromptu - without football
Impromptu 11.45am
0Impromptu 12.30pm and 1.20pm and 1.50pm
0I must go down to the sea again where she sells seashells by the seashore
0In a room not smelling of turpentine
0In a white room with black curtains at the station (Distant train,....)
0In a white room with black curtains at the station (Now the black bat,....)
0In a white room with black curtains at the station (Tubers in the moonlight,....)
0In camera, divide the compass; set square, set fair in the dark room
0In cellar and in attic, the infinite ghostly army of the inevitable march of history
0Infinite regress
0Infinity's mid-point
0In the swim
0In the wee small hours (Variation 2)
0In the wee small hours (Variation 8)
0In the wee small hours (Variation 12)
0In the wee small hours (Variation 16)
0I said, you said.....
0Its not so much that all space-time is distorted by the presence of matter, but rather.....
0Just an old fashioned girl
0Just three more old fashioned girls
0Juvenilia 1 - (9 images)
0Juvenilia 2 - (8 images)
K. C. - portrait
0Kells' belles
0Kells alone (and that Shalott)
0Kitchen - Washbrook Ave
0La gelée sédentaire
0Lamp post
0La Rossa Sulawesi
0La Rossa/Lady With The Skin So White, Only my special friends get one of these. she said.
0Late swims - Lily of the Valley and Millerground
0Laugh? I could have thrown my brain in the fire.
0Lazily scratching an itch
0Leaping, spinning
0Leaping, spinning - variation / elaborations 1 (12 images)
0Leaping, spinning - variation / elaborations 2 (11 images)
0Like early season Worcester apples and the sign they always give
0Like so much sand
0(Long time telling) The short tale of the envied scarf
0Looking back
0Looking the wrong way through tinted lenses
0Lost marbles
0LvB; whispers of Furry Lisa
0Marlene Dietrich
0Maze (3D crawl through maze) - (20 images)
0Meditación, con ojos azules. (But I wasn't looking) - (2 images)
0Meditación (Version 2) - (2 images)
0Meeting cycle - talk doodle talk litter of scraps talk litter latter,
0Messing about down the river, chug-chug-chugging along
0Metamorphic Bliss - metaphorical, bless (a conceit of 15 variations) No.1
0Metamorphic Bliss - metaphorical, bless (a conceit of 15 variations) No.4
0Metamorphic Bliss - metaphorical, bless (a conceit of 15 variations) No.10
0Metamorphic Bliss - metaphorical, bless (a conceit of 15 variations) No.12
0Metamorphic Bliss - metaphorical, bless (a conceit of 15 variations) No.15
0Metaphor to map her:- Deckchair kite flying, a lowdown whirlwind (Variation 1) - (4 images)
0Mist again! Missed again?
0Miss Prints and Tutu Passé enjoy the beluga and the blue stilton in the belvedere at Belvoir
0Miss Prints' sea shells; a fourth result of the equation - the sum of all the parts
0Missing emulsion
0Moby Dicks peg-leg miss
0Moments of fugitive delight flitting through the traceries of dreams (iii)
0Monument & Monument MkII (12 images)
0MP4 (also MP3 and MP5)
0Mr Hyde's pendulum and other loci
0Neither Scylla nor Charybdis do the Entropy Waltz
0Neither Scylla nor Charybdis do the (Irkutsk) walk
0Neither Scylla nor Charybdis, indeed. added Mr. Moto, archly
0Neither the spaghetti strands of time and place nor the baked beans of outrageous.....
0New dogs, old tricks - revisiting Beautiful Zelda (V001)
0New dogs, old tricks - revisiting Beautiful Zelda with Trotsky's big soft pal (4)
0New dogs, old tricks - revisiting Beautiful Zelda with Trotsky's big soft pal (6)
0New dogs, old tricks - revisiting Beautiful Zelda (V056)
0New dogs, old tricks - revisiting Beautiful Zelda (V068)
0New dogs, old tricks - revisiting Beautiful Zelda (114 images)
0Next mars (ii)
0No.12 - Unintended Leanhaun Shee (unpolished negative - exposed)
0Noisy noise annoys an oyster
0(No more) the Mons Badonicus blues, now its retrogression time with Norbert Prendergast jr.....
0No Sherlock? The dog it was that didnt bark
0No; tis no use, she said.
0Not amused, I'm sure
0Now, there's a puzzle!
0Off another cuff
0Off the cuff (well, back-heeled off the post!)
0Oh, tedium - I've seen it all before. Don't you have a stick I can fetch?
0Oh!00000She certainly can can-can,00000or so they say...
0Oh well - part 2 (the glitch in the machine)
0OK Bud, hand over the doe!
0On cue, the magpie pagoda
0Once the lost marbles of the pavement, but now the thread of a camel...
0On days such as these
0One man show (London City Airport, 1999)
0One man show catalogue cover (London City Airport, 1999)
0One man show Mensa Magazine cover (London City Airport, 1999)
0One weekend in Sunderland
0Only the orange peel has been changed to protect the innocent
0On the lookout for The Lemming Tendency
0On the lookout for The Lemming Tendency (Variation 1)
0On the road from Ifsef to Usevoi
0On the road from Ifsef to Usevoi (2nd version)
0On toast - this starry-eyed initiate and her loco locus
0On tuesdays she used to do yoga
0Open hand - clenched fist
0Or just the stillness of the inner eye?
0Orange tiles
0Other windows
0Out of one's depth and treading water, out of bounds, outside the station closed
0Out of the box, into the bottle
0Outside the city gate (people of all sorts are going out walking)
0Outside the station closed
0Overtime underground
0Oxfam fashions above the abyss
0Painting for the top of the stairs - the anti-dog device
0Painting Siddall, the Border Collie
0Pappalardi the harpooneer
0Pappalardi the harpooneer - on tow (version 2)
(Part of) a brick fallen down. (Late)
0Peer Gynt in the desert
0Perfect parallels at the start, lines that never meet
0Pieces of eight missing cherries
0Pineapple and beans on toast
0Plate and saucer is to chords and arcs as paper dart is to?
0Plumb centre on leaden days (i)
0Polychrome type of jolio
0Pondering irony in the easy chair
0Pool on the Brathay
0Por una pequeña chispa
0Pretty little Tinnitus, softly sweetly a'whispering in the auricular caverns
0Pretzels at dawn
0Primavera en la reserva mediana on the road to no way
0Proposed properties - No1 The Veineries
0Proposed properties - No2 The Veineries
Pushbikes and temperamental toilet flushes
0Pyrenean moon, clean in the morning
0Quo vadis? From Nottwich to Notlob - pack a shirt and some fresh pyjamas, thats all you need.
0Reading between the lines
0Reception centre
Red bird fly
0Red bird fly (II)
0Red bird fly (III) (Hommage à PR - Électrification rurale)
0Red tiles
0Repeat patterns in the floral border
0Revisiting all points of the compass to ITTIA - still the humane trap?
0Revolutionary Anarcho-syndicalist Hostelers Association (plc) presents 'The Kropotkin' (4 images)
0Ring-o-roses dance in the no-time
0Rings, bolts, levers, belts and ratchets, and a side serving of time passed with The Third Entity
0Roker men blitz Boro (incorporating Stuarts dream)
0Room with trumpet
0Rose tea till a the seas gang dry
0Royal Star of the Lion
0Runs blindly
0Ryhope chimney 2
0Ryhope chimney, the Pumping House, and the mirror - for old times sake, of course
0Sailing an ethereal sea, seeking escape from the oubliette of your indifference
0St. Swithins Day 1989 - nights are fair drawing in!
Sap green and sap green, wrist and shoulder
0Sausage, egg & chips and a mug of tea one evening in Bristol
0Scampi and chips!?, whyIll stick to me caviar, pet,
0Scene unseen, thought unspoken
0Sculpture park seating design (4 images)
0Searching all the day. (from Pat Flahertys dream)
0Searching three steps away
0Sea, sun and sand
0Second time around
0Seeing the chimera
0Shameless diversion No.?
0Shangri La presumed
0Ships that pass on the fault line (goodbye yellow brick)
Sick as a parrot
0Sick as a parrot Mk.ii
0Siddall, the Border Collie
0Side issue - a harmless frivolity
0Silent isobront (eyelet of the deaf)
0Silent worship of the virtue of prudence
0Soft as down, light as silk, a world of innocent dreams
0Soft falling, revolving, dream's cogs in the night
0Softly ticking the clock, gentle soughing the breath of air
Solipsism, or; Yin Yang and The Trigrams
0Some might say
0Spinning Sigismund - the garden shed
0Splurgethurgle and yowle
0Spot marks the 'x'
0Springtime scalping on the central reservation
0Squaring the circle - I&II
0(Stamps 86, untitled) (April 86 collage)
0(Stamps 86) Dark dreams and the sword of Wrnach (Gwrnach)
0(Stamps 86) In darkness imagine light
0(Stamps 86, untitled) (87 collage)
0(Stamps 86, untitled) (May 95 collage)
0(Stamps 86, untitled) (Nov 98 collage)
0(Stamps 86, untitled) (Dec 98 collage(i))
0(Stamps 86, untitled) (Dec 98 collage(ii))
0(Stamps 86 - 11 images)
0Start of the big time
0Static time
0Static time - plan view (xi-a)
0Static time with the big noise down Isobront Way
0Status, misleading, in parenthesis
0(Still, life;) Moments about a point
0Stretching exercises
0Stroobknir obenoo shnulf
0Study in black black
0Study in black black (9 images)
0Study in black black; selection box
0Study in crimson
0Study in white white
0Sunderland - 2; Luton - 0
0SUNGGNUS cartoon strip (20 images)
0Sunset and sunrise on the Ethereal Sea both north and south of the no-time
0Swimming the mile,
0Tartan pattern (sketch)
0Tea and sandwiches (20 & 32)
0That exquisite moment just before the perished hot water bottle b..... (i-iv)
0That shallot
0The Albatross Equation (The fault is mine, and mine alone)
0The Albatross Equation - The fault defined
0The Albatross Equation - The field defined
0The Albatross Equation - What was the question again?
0The Albatross Equation - The box room in the tower (Quoth the sleighride 'Evermore')
0The anniversary waltz
0The apotheosis of the mortgage
0The appendix scar
0The artyfartyfacts
0(The) B5020
0The butterfly, pinless in its dreams
0The convent across the road
0The dance in the no-time (i-vii)
0The dance in the no-time revisited
0The day after tomorrow but well before static time I
0The day after tomorrow but well before static time II
0The day after tomorrow but well before static time - plan view
0The dove and the painting of a jug of water
0The eagle, the avenue, & the army hostess badge
0The emperor in his war room
0The endless equation
0The endless summertime of childhood
0The fair maid of Askalot awaits the Akond of Swat
0The fall of Ang
0The festival of bottle tops, pebbles and twigs, sea-worn glass and scraps of silver paper
0The festival of grand absquatulation
0The festival of paddling in the shallows
0The festival of the first cuckoo in spring gathering nuts in may
0The festival of the headlong rush to the end of all things
0The flight path of the sulphur yellow
0The fool unmated:- a thousand and one ley lines of and yets and if onlys
0The futile, the secret gestures (traversing the ice queens demesne)
0The Glitheroe - Girling Foolishness
0The horse chestnut branch and the beeches disrupted foundations
0The march event
0The m...... ...k
0The only photo. But I wasn't looking
0The opening bars of the first movement of Tchaikovsky's piano concerto No.1 in B flat minor op23
0The original:- a copy
0The passage of time
0The passage of time in the dark room
0The (philosophic) myth of existence
0The puzzle of the exercise book's cover
0The quiet ones
0The real Second Division
0The real Second Division, exemplar material (10 images)
0There's plenty more great rhombicuboctahedra in the sea
0The right commercial attitude
0The room beyond the room beyond
0The Ruevelum
0The Ruevelum (2nd version)
0The seagull and the storm
0The seated blancmange
0These shallot-ee-ohs
0The sibilating signpost somewhere on the strand between Nirvana and Tír na nÓg (day)
0The sibilating signpost somewhere on the strand between Nirvana and Tír na nÓg (sleep)
0The sky at night
0The sound of the sea
0The sunny side of the street
0The sword in the stone (2008)
0The sword in the stone (2012)
0The sword in the stone (ii)
0The thisness of a brick. - Spot the brick
0The three possible results of the equation
0The Wardrobe Tank MkII?
0The weaving of dreams
0The Western Isles
0The world turned .........inside out., such is the flu
0Thinking, the red admirable at flight, in the wood which does not exist
0This shallot i
0This shallot ii
0Threading the armillary spear (in the springtime!)
0Three by three by four, six by six (i-iv)
0Three enigmatic variations
0(Through the branches and leaves) "Hola owl!" whispers the breeze
0Till the tide goes out forever (4 images)
0Toasted, bleached, unimagined
0Tom Sawyer the robots red model - not of this world
0To seize her here in Caesar Street
0Treading the armillary sphere
0Triangulation 1-3
0Tripartite confrontation (first version)
0Tripartite Confrontation
0Ultima Thule - The puzzle begins
0Under a term of Pan I+II
0Unmitigated magpie - forty-two : two thirds
0(Untitled, set of cards - series A) (8 images)
0(Untitled, set of cards - series B) (12 images)
0(Untitled, analogue device)(73)
0(Untitled, red print)(Jan 74, photo-silkscreen print)
0(Untitled, green print)(Jan, Feb 74, photo-silkscreen print)
0(Untitled)(March, April 74, photo-silkscreen print)
0(Untitled, blue print)(April 74, photo-silkscreen print)
0(Untitled)(74, photo(i))
0(Untitled)(74, photo(ii))
0(Untitled)(74, photo(iii))
0(Untitled, relative motion device)(74)
0(Untitled)(April 74, drawing)
0(Untitled) (74, 'photo' (i))
0(Untitled) (74, 'photo' (ii))
0(Untitled) (74, 'photo' (iii))
0(Untitled) (76, painting)
0(Untitled)(c. 79, modified found object)
0(Untitled)(c. 80, modified found object)
0(Untitled)(81-82, collage)
0(Untitled)(Jan 83, drawing)
0(Untitled)(Feb 83, drawing)
0(Untitled)(Mar 83, drawing)
0(Untitled)(Mar 83, collage)
0(Untitled)(83, 'photo' (i))
0(Untitled)(83, 'photo' (ii))
0(Untitled)(Jan 84, collage(i))
0(Untitled)(Jan 84, collage(ii))
0(Untitled)(Jan 84, collage(iii))
0(Untitled)(Jan 84, collage(iv))
0(Untitled)(Jan 84, collage(i-iv))
0(Untitled)(Mar 85, collage(i))
0(Untitled)(Mar 85, collage(ii))
0(Untitled)(Feb 89, drawing)
0(Untitled)(June 89, drawing)
0(Untitled, orange sketch)
0(Untitled)(90, drawing)
0(Untitled)(90, drawing)
(Untitled)(c. 90, modified found object)
0(Untitled)(Oct 90, drawing (i))
0(Untitled)(May 93, collage)
0(Untitled)(04, computer modified drawing (iia))
0(Untitled)(04, computer modified drawing (iiif))
0Up, or down - Sunshine?
0Visualise a brick wall fallen down
0Viva Los Puntos Negros!
0Was is will
0Welcome to The New World's Orders
0Wenlock Edge - wish we were there
Wensleydale cheese
0What have they done?
0What I did during my summer holidays
0What!? Still no Sherlock?
0What!? Still no Sherlock? (With captions)
0When the smiling stopped
0Whistling Sukiyaki and the Pequad Blues
0White tiles
0Winking the word
0Wrong number from Thatcham
0Xmas tern
0Xmas tern a la pappalardi (iii)
0Yes, but what does it mean
0You 'orrible little man, 'summer 71'
0You, well-meaning brought us here
0Zenos paradox - III
0ZUJK, doubly so
01979 and on: the Anglo-Saxon loosed
02.45am 15th July 1982. .....
03 cubes - A & B
03 Discs
0That shallot
![]() ![]() ![]() Links to 'Unfeatured' files 00 ![]() ![]() ![]() 00 ![]() ![]() 00 ![]() 00 ![]() 00 ![]() 00 ![]() 00 ![]() 00 ![]() 00 ![]() 00 ![]() 00 ![]() 00 ![]() 00 ![]() 00 ![]() 00 ![]() ![]() 00 ![]() ![]() 00 ![]() 00 ![]() ![]() 00 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 00 ![]() ![]() ![]() 00 ![]() 00 ![]() 00 ![]() 00 ![]() 00 ![]() 00 ![]() 00 ![]() 00 ![]() Web design - Cliff Colman Early versions of this site were uploaded with a free copy of Anarchie Pro thanks to the generous folk at Stairways Stairways are still at stairways.com, the developers of Anarchie (now Interarchy) have moved to nolobe.com |